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Taking my talents to South… Island New Zealand!

Sometimes the world places an opportunity in front of you that you could only have imagined in your wildest dreams. When it’s right in front of you, do not hesitate… take it! The stars can only align so many times. One of my top bucket list items has always been to live in New Zealand (land of hobbits and elves and wizards of course), and through some incredible turn of fate, I got offered a job coaching ski racing on the South Island of New Zealand. The job offer was for three months, from the beginning of July through the end of September and I decided I would stay an extra month afterwards to travel. At first I was simply awestruck that I would finally be going to the destination of my dreams, and now that I’m here…. I’m still in awe!

I’ve been living in New Zealand now for just shy of two weeks. It’s definitely started on the work-heavy side of things. I’m living with the other two coaches and anywhere from 4 – 6 of the kids on the team. We’re in a motel in the tiny town of Springfield – about an hour from Christchurch, and around 30 minutes to the nearest ski field, Porters Ski Area, where we have been training every day.

[For some background: I’m working for elitesport; a ski racing academy with kids anywhere from age 7 to 16 from all over New Zealand training to be ski racers.]

My first day coaching here was an absolute wash. Literally. It POURED rain the entire time and we couldn’t even get to the top of the mountain. I’m happy to say, it was all uphill from there! We had training get cancelled because of a huge snowstorm that came through, which meant the next day was a POWDER DAY!! New Zealand powder days are admit, not as great as Colorado powder days, but no matter where you are, good skiing is still good skiing!! This was also the first time I went to the top of the mountain and saw the unbelievable view. Snowcapped mountains as far as the eye can see, with beautiful natural lakes at their bases. I love the mountains and I have seen quite a few in my 24 years, but overlooking the Southern Alps in New Zealand from the top of a ski field was an unreal, “pinch me” moment.

As I mentioned, the last two weeks have been pretty much 100% centered on working, as the kids are out on school holidays right now. The only bright side to waking up at 6am to be on the mountain by 7:30, has been the incredible sunrises every morning. Looking down a training course with kids flying through the gates and a beautiful peachy-pink and yellow sunrise peeking up over the mountain peaks beyond has been a dreamy start to a life-changing adventure.




What Am I Even Doing Here??

Hello world! (or the three people that end up stumbling upon this page…)

I’m a pretty average 24 year old, with an above average need for adventure. Currently living a ski bum life in Colorado as a transplant from Upstate NY (not upstate like Buffalo or anything, just far enough Upstate to not want you confusing me with someone from the city) and pretty much every cent I make goes into my adventure/ travel fund.

Traveling the world is the best way to appreciate what you have and keep your mind open to new things. I wanted to start a blog and share my adventures in a hope to inspire people to leave their comfort zones, inspire them to adventure out in the world and do things differently, inspire them to appreciate everything that happens in this world and all the people in it. Sure, it’s easy to be comfortable in your everyday routine, but that leaves you with so few opportunities to catch your breath in amazement and wonder – and what’s the fun in that?

It doesn’t have to be a big, expensive vacation – just try something new! Get away for the weekend. Go on a hike. Try a cooking class. Get Rosetta Stone for Spanish (and actually do it). Plan your dream vacation. Take it. Don’t just sit around and keep saying you’ll do it when you have the money or the time. It’s obviously cliché because it’s true, but life is unpredictable and too many people don’t get a chance to do things they really want to, so don’t make any more excuses!

This won’t be  the perfect blog; I’m not always reliably connected to wifi, I’m prone to technology problems, and I’m not good at slowing down long enough to sit at my computer, BUT I will always (eventually) share my adventures and they will always be worth it. Plus, sometimes my dry, sarcastic, New York sense of humor comes out and if it’s not funny, it’s usually at least entertaining.

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